DRUGS: Crime V.S. Social Problem

I’d like to bring up a matter of opinion and see where it leads me.

To begin, America spends a shit ton of money on criminals, one inmate can cost approximately $33,000 a year and do you know how many inmates there are in the United States?  FUCK THAT’S A LOT OF MONEY. Still following?

Here’s the thing though, not every inmate has to be in jail because some inmates are not there for the same reasons as others. Many and I believe MOST of our inmates are in jail on drug charges from use, intent to sell, etc.

Drugs are not a crime, no they aren’t that good for you, but you’re only hurting yourself by making the choice to do them. Yes I understand that these drug dealers reach out to kids, but we fail to realize some kids reach out to the dealers and some kids are not as innocent as we believe and wish they are. Once again, it’s a choice and something we need to drill into our children.

Marijuana, to be specific is actually not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. So why jail people over it? In normal doses it actually helps people in pain and has been shown to help some people focus as well as not being proven to give anyone cancer or death. And while it goes around illegal, cancer causing cigarettes and liver killing alcohol remains legal.

Should people on hard drugs be allowed to run around free? No, but we should be trying to help them. We need less jail time and more rehabilitation.

I would love to drag on, but I think I have opened the crack just enough to where you can see my point. I’d love to hear some other opinions though.


I’d give you the world, but it’s not enough. I’d give you my heart while it’s beating, but it’s not enough. I’d do anything to make you happy, but it’s not enough. I’d understand more than anyone else would, but it’s not enough. I’d sacrifice myself for you, but it’s not enough. I’d always be there, but it’s not enough. Nothing I do is enough. So what is enough?

Virginity is a social contruct


  • is sexist
  • is heteronormative
  • commodifies sex
  • commodifies young cis-het white women
  • contributes to rape culture
  • contributes to slut-shaming
  • erases queer folk
  • erases transfolk
  • frames a woman’s worth as inversely proportional to the number of dicks that have been inside her

Thank you “glasscoffin”.

It’s not something to play with.

I went to an AIDS/HIV seminar today. I learned a lot! 1 out of 5 people who haven’t been tested, have it and do not know it. You can have it for 5-10 years without getting symptoms. Over 30,000 people in NC have HIV knowingly and over 9,000 have full-blown AIDS knowingly in NC. That’s just the people who know. Also, the waiting list for HIV/AIDS medicine in NC  has over 700 people on it. Keep in mind that’s for medicine that costs $1600 a month. You can get it from blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. You can only get it from human to human contact. It is possible to get it through tattoos because it can survive in ink. 100% bleach kills it, but unfortunately we cannot pump bleach into people. At the end of the seminar, the speaker told us she is HIV positive and has known for 30 years. She had to have an abortion because back when she found out, there was nothing they could do for pregnancy with HIV (she found out when she got pregnant). Now they have medicine you can take during your pregnancy, medicine for the baby when it is born, and then once born after 18 months the child gets a new immune system and can be HIV/AIDS free. After hearing her story and hearing the statistics, I got tested. I am negative, thank goodness. You may not be, so please go get tested. ALFA does FREE HIV/AIDS testing and all it takes is a finger prick and 15 minutes. Please go get tested, set up an appointment and do it. Better to be safe than sorry. ♥

ALFA is in NC, I am not sure about other states.

I did not choose to be gay, but I don’t wish otherwise either.

There’s this wonderful and amazing guy. He’s attractive, smart, kind, funny, and just everything. He brought me rose after he got off of work tonight and it made me really happy. It’s been awhile since someone has tried to “woo” me. I care about him, I truly do… And I do like him as if it were a crush. I just don’t feel like it’s going to happen. I can’t make myself do it. It just doesn’t feel right. It feels so horribly wrong and it just hurts so bad. He knows I like women. I’ve been completely honest and open with him. He knows exactly how I feel about everything and he is trying so hard. I don’t want to hurt him, but I can’t be miserable myself. So to anyone who believes I choose to be gay, you’re wrong. I was born this way and I honestly cannot help it. I’ve tried. I lost my virginity to a man and still cannot find myself attracted to them in the ways I need to be in order to have a productive relationship with one. I’m not going to regret who I am and wish I could change it, I just wish it didn’t hurt the people who like me.

A new perspective…

Of all the creatures ever made man is the most detestable. … He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~Mark Twain

I encourage everyone and I mean EVERYONE to watch the film Earthlings. Be aware that it may not be suitable for children due to the violence done towards animals in the video and some other moments in the film.

This link should take you straight to the video: http://earthlings.com/?page_id=32

This video is descriptive on life, mainly focusing around the cruelty done to animals in the world. It details what procedures are done and what the procedures are, how they are done, shows them being done, and tells how they are actually supposed to be done. It is a truly knowledgeable film and can truly help change the world.

I love the fact that someone had the balls to put together such a film. The film is explained throughout it’s entire run time, everything is defined to the point where a three year old could understand what is happening. I advise that a three year old should not watch this film though. I found myself having to look away from my laptop screen at certain points in the film. It breaks my heart to watch the way these beings are treated. To get an idea of what you may see in the film please continue reading.

Slaughter house procedures will be shown- slitting of throats, abuse, electric shocks, de-horning, de-beaking, etc .

A dog being thrown into a garbage truck.

Animals being skinned alive for their furs.

Seals being murdered and skinned.

and almost any other form of cruelty there is in this world.

It is all shown in this video. Everything.

Please watch and pass on.

Please sign this and pass it on.


Homosexuality may not be okay in everyone’s agenda. That’s fine, everyone has an opinion they are entitled to. BUT it is NOT okay to attack someone over their sexuality. So please, please pass this on after signing it.

Thank you.

And thank you Kristy Wooten for starting this petition. You are my favorite English teacher and I appreciate you so much!


Here is the story that sparked the petition: http://www.wcnc.com/news/local/A-Charlotte-couple-attacked-on-vacation-for-being-gay-173770341.html

National Coming Out Day!

I thought I’d share my coming out story. February 2012 🙂 So I stayed home from school “sick” and sat on the couch and kept thinking about how to tell my mother. I started crying and just couldn’t take it anymore so I walked up to my mother in tears. She goes “What’s wrong?” And I tell her straight up, “Mom, I’m gay and ____ is my girlfriend!” Still in tears I can’t stop crying, she LAUGHS at me. Lol. She laughs and says “I know you are. As long as you are healthy and safe and you reach your goals in life I don’t care who you love.” It was the best feeling in the world to know she loved me and didn’t care where my heart falls. I love you mom, Melissa Throop Henry. Happy national coming out day. ♥!

The World

It’s so odd when someone you used to love so much becomes someone who no longer wants to see you or “deal” with you or even think of you. Your feelings get crushed by words exchanged. Words that you would never ever expect to hear come from the mouth of someone you once were engaged to. It’s a serious stabbing to the heart. One that makes your entire world shatter in a matter of seconds. It hurts so bad and you didn’t see it coming because all you ever did waslove. The world isn’t over though, it’s just going to take a lot to get it back. To be okay again. To realize just because that one soul left does not mean everyone else has as well. It makes you stronger. You never wanted it, but now you have no choice but to deal. To stand up and notice you deserve more and you will receive it in time.  Just give it time, everything takes time. You’ll never forget, but you will forgive and you will learn. You will forgive when you least expect it and you will learn things about yourself that no one else will know. You’ll change as a person and you know what? That is okay. It is okay.
